2025 Spring Nuc-colony Sales
Pick up only | $100 Deposit
We are now taking orders for 2025 Spring nuc sales. Each nuc colony contains at least three deep Langstroth style frames of capped brood and honeybees with a new recently mated, laying queen bee and two frames of drawn comb with some pollen and honey, in an EZ cardboard nuc box. Our honey bees are strong, healthy and gentle.

Nucs are already selling out fast now due to the east coast hurricane season.
It’s hard to find strong Spring nucs available for sale in Spring because most nuc builders and growers have already taken pro-order limits in the previous year. They might be sold out weeks before the beginning of the 2025 season.
The 2024 hurricane season has placed pressure on existing beekeepers along the East coast and down to Florida. Many traditional nuc-colony sellers have lost their honey bee colonies in the high winds and flooding. Dont procrastinate this year when ordering Spring nucs.
When next Spring is here, beekeepers also want to find nuc colonies just before the wildflowers bloom. This affords the best time for quick colony buildup and the promise of some honey by summer. Beekeepers are looking for strong nucs with no pests or disease so the colony growth will explode into a full eight or ten frame colony quickly.
That’s why beekeepers need to anticipate their needs and prepare for their spring honey bee apiary growth. They want to make sure they have access to the strongest and healthiest nuc-colonies before they are all gone.
Beekeeping is fun and easy
Do you think think beekeeping is too technical, risky and that you don’t have enough knowledge or experience to manage a hive? Let me tell you a secret. The best teacher is experience. You just need to get started with the little you know. The beekeeping community is really generous in knowledge sharing so I can almost ensure that you’ll find some good mentors nearby you to share their best practices with you. I’d be happy to connect you with some of them. I want you to enjoy beekeeping from the start! I am on a mission to make it as easy and fun as possible with friendly bees.
Our Nucs are Available for Pre-Sale Now
I am now taking orders for 2025 Spring nuc sales. I raise and have nuc colonies available in central Texas. Each nuc colony contains at least three deep Langstroth style frames of capped brood and honeybees with a new recently mated, laying queen bee eggs and two frames of drawn comb with some pollen and honey, in an EZ cardboard nuc box. It contains a total of 5 deep frames. 3 of those will have bees and brood (baby bees) on them. 1 frame will have some food stores such as honey and pollen. The last frame is normally a drawn frame for the bees to expand on.
I am offering nucs filled with gentle Italian bees. They are perfect for bee keepers to get started with their first hives. They help you learn the technics with confidence, with no fear of getting stung. It’s one of the most popular types of honey bees.
The Italian bees I provide you with are also strong and healthy. We treat them for varroa mites. So they will better resist to the potential diseases they will encounter.
- Nuc price is $275 per 5-frame nuc colony in a EZ nuc box.
Payment modalities
- Pre-order here at the bottom of this page to get on the list. Pay a $100 deposit to reserve your 2025 spring nuc(s).
- $175 balance is due at pickup in Spring 2025.
- I accept Cash, Venmo, Zelle options at pick up day.
Nuc pick-up
- As we get into April, we will confirm by email the exact date, time, and address for pickup in the Fayette County, Ellinger, Texas area.
- Texas honey bee nuc colonies are staged for the first local pickup tentative date 4/15/2025.
- Bees are usually busy flying during the day so pickup has to be later in the day. Let us know by email if you have special pickup needs.
Suited to Texas Climate
We winter our honey bees in East Texas in an area that has no agriculture beyond cow pasture and woods, so they grow well in the Texas climate.
Laying Queen Ensured
Why buy a package of bees and hope the queen eventually lays, when you can buy a nuc that has a laying queen and capped brood? None of these bees will have gone to almond fields in California.
Natural Health Care
I feed my Spring nuc colonies a special, natural mixture that includes essential oils, amino acids and bee vitamins for optimum honey bee health. The nuc-colony has been treated for varroa.

Why choose us?
When you buy our honey bee nucs, you support a local, family owned, small scale farm and contribute to a thriving community of passionate beekeepers.
I, Bruce Ford, raise strong nuc colonies every year and sell healthy nuc colonies. I treat my nucs for pests and diseases, naturally. The honey bees we offer in the Spring are gentle in nature due to the queen genetics we use.
Passionate & community-oriented
I, Bruce Ford, am passionate about raising honey bees and getting others involved in beekeeping and I am active in several local beekeepers’ associations. This passion led me to establish and maintain honey bee yards and mentor individuals in the fine art of beekeeping in central Texas. As a result, I now develop new solutions for my own needs and when they work well I share them with my beekeepers’ community so we can improve our practices all together
Beekeeping & homesteading experience
I live with my on family on a 16 acre organic farm near Ellinger, Texas where I practice with different compost designs, microbial brewing with compost and soil microbe philosophy, beekeeping, rainwater catchment, radio communication, growing native plants, herbs and medicinal plants by propagation from seeds and cuttings. As a gardener-farmer, I raise many different varieties of pollinator plants to support the honey bees.
I embrace the grassroots homestead movement in central Texas by sharing skillsets, hosting workshops and promoting the farming community movement here in central Texas. In addition to running a small farm, I consult with new land owners on how to get agricultural exemptions with bees and wildlife management programs.
Frequently Asked Questions
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5 Frames Nucs Deposit (Pre-sales for Spring 2025)
5 Frame Nuc-colony filled with gentle strong healthy Italian bees that will resist to the potential diseases they will encounter. Price is $275 (pay $100 deposit now; $175 balance due at pick up or delivery).