Natural Feeding Stimulant for Honeybees with Essential Oils
Ron’s Feeding Stimulant for Bees – $25
Ron’s Feeding Stimulant for Bees is a natural honeybee feeding stimulant concentrate made up of lemongrass oil, lavender oil and spearmint essential oils. This formula encourages bees to expand their colonies and draw out new comb, as well as helps keep hives cleaner and improves overall colony health. It can be added to your feeding mix to encourage bees to feed and amplify their routines.

Beekeepers must prevent the loss of weak colonies
Beekeepers often lose weak colonies in the Winter months. A failing hive in the Fall needs to be stimulated in the Fall to support new waxcomb build up and additional brood. When Fall is here, beekeepers struggle to grow failing colonies with sugar water and pollen substitute. This increases the expense of beekeeping and is not always successful.
Beekeepers are looking for a practical way to build their hives all year. Most beekeepers I know have other responsibilities besides building their honeybee colonies and their apiaries are not always in the backyard for easy support when there is no nectar sources in the area. Bees need a supplement besides sugar water, to stimulate the colony to ramp up in the Spring, during hot summer dearths when no nectar resources are available, and in the Fall, to prepare for the Winter months.
That’s why we developed Ron’s Feeding Stimulant, an affordable and natural solution that you can add to your feeding mix to encourage bees to feed and amplify their routines.
Ron’s Feeding Stimulant for Bees
Natural Honeybee Feeding Stimulant with Essential Oils
Ron’s Feeding Stimulant is a natural honeybee feeding stimulant concentrate made up of lemongrass oil, lavender oil and spearmint essential oils. According to latest research, essential oils are effective for improving the health of honey bees. This formula encourages bees to expand their colonies and draw out new comb, as well as helps keep hives cleaner and improves overall colony health. Add this feeding mix to your sugar water to encourage bees to feed and amplify their routines.
A Solution to Calm Honeybees and Help the Colony Accept a New Queen
Ron’s Feeding Stimulant also contains aromatic essential oils that calm honeybees. Keeping a lit smoker to calm the bees is highly recommended by beekeepers. Sometimes smokers go out or smokers are not available when needed. Beekeepers need a backup option available while working the beehive. This healthy solution temporarily masks the normal pheromones produced by honeybees. Using Ron’s Feeding Stimulant solution as a spray also helps the colony accept a new queen.
Product’s Details
The product is sold in a 24 Fluid Ounces bottle for $25. 24 Fluid Ounces mixes with 24 gallons of sugar water. It comes with the syringe to transfer the right amount of fluid to the hive feeder.
Instruction for application: Shake well before using. Using the included syringe, add one fluid ounce of this concentrate to one gallon of sugar-water mix. Then mix well and add to feeders. Keep tightly sealed between use.
Use cases: Ron’s Feeding Stimulant can be used as a spray to calm bees, as well as when honeybees are producing brood and available pollen sources are limited. It can be used to help build up weak, over-winterized colonies, packages, nucs and swarms.
Ingredients: Ron’s Feeding Stimulant concentrate contains Purified Water, Pure Cane Sugar, Sunflower Lecithin, Lemongrass oil, Spearmint oil, Lavendar oil.
Attracts Bees to the Feeder
Ron’s Feeding Stimulant contains aromatic lemon grass essential oil that attracts bees to feed and communicate this to other bees. This encourages bees to expand their colonies and draw out new comb.
Keeps Hives Cleaner
This feeding stimulant also contains Spearmint oil to promote healthier bees and Lavender oil that is effective against American Foulbrood Disease. It controls the growth of bacteria and its spores in the hive.
A Practical Way to Build Hives All Year
Adding one ounce of Ron’s Feeding Stimulant to a gallon of sugar water feed will encourage bees to feed and build comb. One feeding every two weeks will promote healthy beehives.
Has a Calming Effect on Bees
Ron’s Feeding Stimulant concentrate mixed with sugar water, can be used as a spray to help calm honeybees. This healthy solution temporarily masks the normal pheromones produced by honeybees.
Made with Natural Ingredients
Ron’s Feeding Stimulant is a natural honeybee feeding stimulant concentrate made up of lemongrass oil, lavender oil and spearmint essential oils.

Why choose us?
Small scale family owned farm
When you buy Ron’s Feeding Stimulant for Bees you support a local, family owned, small scale farm and contribute to a thriving community of passionate beekeepers.
Passionate & community-oriented
I, Bruce Ford, am passionate about raising honey bees and getting others involved in beekeeping and I am active in several local beekeepers’ associations. This passion led me to establish and maintain honey bee yards and mentor individuals in the fine art of beekeeping in central Texas. As a result, I now develop new solutions for my own needs and when they work well I share them with my beekeepers’ community so we can improve our practices all together
Beekeeping & homesteading experience
I live with my on family on a 16 acre organic farm near Ellinger, Texas where I practice with different compost designs, microbial brewing with compost and soil microbe philosophy, beekeeping, rainwater catchment, radio communication, growing native plants, herbs and medicinal plants by propagation from seeds and cuttings. As a gardener-farmer, I raise many different varieties of pollinator plants to support the honey bees.
I embrace the grassroots homestead movement in central Texas by sharing skillsets, hosting workshops and promoting the farming community movement here in central Texas. In addition to running a small farm, I consult with new land owners on how to get agricultural exemptions with bees and wildlife management programs.
Frequently Asked Questions
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Ron’s Feeding Stimulant for Bees
A natural honeybee feeding stimulant concentrate made up of lemongrass oil, lavender oil and spearmint essential oils. This formula encourages bees to expand their colonies and draw out new comb, as well as helps keep hives cleaner and improves overall colony health.
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