Ok Honey bee lovers: It has been a great year!
I have increased my honey bee knowledge to the point where I consider myself a Bee Whisperer and Mentor.
See these pictures of the bee yards I have set-up in 2020.

Ok Honey bee lovers: It has been a great year!
I have increased my honey bee knowledge to the point where I consider myself a Bee Whisperer and Mentor.
See these pictures of the bee yards I have set-up in 2020.
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Hey, Mr. Bee Man (Bruce), it’s me Sunye. When you get this, could you please give me a call (979) 250-1610.
Is it too late to purchase a bee package for this year? Thanks.
Hello Wayne,
I am just beginning to understand wordpress and I see your May 21 2021 message.
Today, I am taking orders for strong Spring nucs to be ready in March-April 2023.
My email is Rosscreekhoneybees@gmail.com
My cell phone number is (713)-818-7348
Wayne, you are welcome to call me anytime to chat about bees. Bruce Ford, Ellinger, Texas
I will have nuc colonies available March 2024.
Bruce the beekeeper.
We in the Swiss Alp area, and are needing 9 hives to satisfy the Ag exemption for our property we purchased in September. Brandon from the Fayette County Appraisal gave me your name.
Hello Ralph and team,
In Spring 2024, I will have lots of nucs to work with on your honey bee apiary. Your agricultural exemption is not affected by a loss of a few colonies in 2023.
Bruce Ford the beekeeper.